Is a Frosted Glass Shower Door in Style?
Yes! Frosted Glass Shower doors are in Style! Design trends come and go, but frosted glass is a timeless look that creates obscurity and privacy while diffusing glare and allowing light to pass thru into the room. Privacy and light: a need and benefit that’ll never go out of style!
Even a plain frosted glass shower door is pretty and creates obscurity while allowing light to come thru. However, when the frosted glass features a beautiful decorative design, rather than a plain solid white shape, you move up from not only solving the need for privacy, but creating a beautiful space to enjoy.
The average shower lasts around ten minutes, which means most of us are spending more than an hour a week in our bathroom, just showering, let alone the amount of time we spend doing the rest of our daily routines. In addition to our bedroom, our bathroom truly is a sanctuary, where we both prep for the day, and wind down from it. When we add together all the time we spend in this space, it’s easy to see why the look and feel of our bathroom decor remains a high priority and enduring popular trend in home decor and home improvement.

Create or Increase Privacy
When it comes to an enclosure shower or a glass shower door, some of us are looking for more privacy than others. A 100% frosted glass surface will create 100% obscurity across the whole glass panel. So, if you’re looking for total obscurity from your frosted glass shower door, than that’s the way to go. However, another option is to create shower glass that provides obscurity or privacy in specific sections or areas of the glass. One popular look is across the center sections, leaving the top third and the bottom third of the shower door clear glass. A simple, wide band can create that coverage and be the perfect look for your space. At the same time, that band or section can be a decorative pattern or element that will instantly transform the plain look of a simple band, into beautiful art that you’ll admire and enjoy, every time you shower, and every time you pass by your shower.
Shower in Illuminated Art
With literally no limit to design possibilities, at Sans Soucie Art Glsss, you can choose from the vast library of designs we’ve created across nearly 5 decades, since 1976. Every design is custom made to order for our clientele. Choose from an existing design in our collection or let us create a brand new design to your specifications. Ranging from simple to extravagant, anything is possible.

Adding a Beautiful Frosted Glass Shower Door Adds a Luxury Element
When we start to love the look and design of a space, it feels like a special treat to spend time there. The same can be true when you upgrade your bathroom to feel like a luxurious room you get to be in every day. Adding a unique glass shower door adds far more than an extra touch, but will actually become a beautiful focal point that takes your bathroom decor to the next level. Browse our Shower doors, Shower Panels and Shower Enclosures where you’ll find dozens of stunning designs in every decor style!