Gorgeous Glass Reception Desk for DOS Salon
When you enter DOS Salon on El Paseo in Palm Desert, the first thing you’ll see are warm smiles and a personal greeting by one of their expert stylists or owner Dennis Ogas, but right away you can’t help but notice this stunning glass reception desk with the DOS Salon Logo 3D sculpture carved on the face of it! This desk is a work of art, with irregular edged support base pieces that are “V” Shaped, coming up taller than the counter top on the right side, with coordinating support legs on the opposite side. The glass is a hefty 3/4″ thick and features chipped and polished irregular edges all around, with the base and front pieces having a gluechip texture applied to both the front and back surfaces. The top surface of the counter top section is smooth clear glass, with the entire underside surface deep carved in Sans Soucie’s Moonscape texture, with a metallic silver applied to the carved texture. When viewed from the top surface, the metallic silver becomes a beautiful soft blue-green, complimenting the silver, white, and medium-tone wood flooring of DOS Salon’s contemporary decor.
Owner Dennis Ogas as an internationally trained Hair Artist with over 30 years experience. The goal for DOS Salon is to create an upscale, relaxed environment comprised of a team of artists who not have a passion for fashion and style, but for the customers experience while at the salon. Find out more about the salon and services available at dosstyle.com. Find them here on Google maps!