Frosted Glass Effect Highlight: 3D

At Sans Soucie, our Frosted Glass is all made by hand thru the art of Sandblast etching and carving. In this article we’re highlighting our two 3D Carved Effects: 3D Solid and 3D Enhanced.

In the process, we’re going to take a look at all 4 of our Sandblast Effects and see how they stack up against one another, in both how they’re made and what they cost. Starting with our premiere effect – 3D Enhanced.

Our 3D Enhanced Effect requires the highest level of skill and time to create. The design is sandblasted in STAGES, one small segment at a time. The artist sculpts and cuts deep into the glass at varying depths. This creates a relief texture in the glass. The carved edges of the various elements in the design, will pick up the surrounding light. This makes the design illuminate and become a 3 dimensional object that appears to be free-floating in the glass. The artist also implements “shading”, where the sandblast density gently fades out to clear glass. This creates a “gradient-like” effect that adds more intricacy and detail to the finished look.

3D Enhanced

3D enhanced effect clear glass finish iris sans soucie
3D Enhanced Effect – Clear Glass Finish

3D Enhanced Examples

3D enhanced effect clear glass finish background winery scene frosted glass door insert sans soucie
Winery Lanscape

3D Enhanced

Clear Glass Finish
3D enhanced effect clear glass finish background ocean scene dolphin fish  frosted glass door insert sans soucie
Dolphins Leaping

3D Enhanced Painted Clear Glass Finish
3D enhanced effect clear glass finish background maple tree frosted glass door insert sans soucie

3D Enhanced

Clear Glass Finish
3D enhanced effect clear glass finish background mountain scene elk frosted glass door insert sans soucie

3D Enhanced

Clear Glass Finish
3D enhanced effect clear glass finish background ocean wave frosted glass door insert sans soucie

3D Enhanced

Clear Glass Finish
3D enhanced effect clear glass finish background birds of paradise frosted glass door insert sans soucie
Bird of Paradise

3D Enhanced

Clear Glass Finish
3D enhanced painted effect clear glass finish background modern mountain frosted glass frameless doors sans soucie

3D Enhanced Painted

Clear Glass Finish
3D enhanced painted effect clear glass finish background Bonsai Cranes & Cattails frosted glass frameless doors sans soucie
Bonsai Cranes & Cattails

3D Enhanced

Clear Glass Finish

3D Solid

Now, let’s look at our OTHER 3D Effect – 3D Solid. As with 3D Enhanced, the design is cut deep into the glass which creates that beautiful, sculpted, free floating look. But this effect is a flat, solid white, embossed look. The 3D Solid Effect is withOUT any gradients, or shading that brings out the intricacy and detail – that 3D Enhanced will have. This 3D Solid Effect requires a lower level of skill and time to create, which is why we can offer it at a lower price. This effect is what’s called a “single stage sandblast”. That means the artist sandblast carves the glass “overall”, NOT one small segment at a time.

Instead, the sand is sprayed in large, sweeping motions, across the entire surface of the glass. Still requiring skill mind you, as the flat carved surface and edges of the design elements, need to be consistently FLAT, and EVEN, without any divots or deeper carved spots or segments.

3D solid effect clear glass finish iris sans soucie
3D Solid Effect – Clear Glass Finish

3D Solid Examples

So that’s how our two 3D Effects stack up against each other, side by side. While it’s true that they’re both 3D and both “carved”, it’s really not a true apples-to-apples comparison to stack these two side by side.


A more similar comparison to 3D Enhanced, is actually our 2D Effect. The reason? They both feature shading. One is carved. One is not. But both feature the beautiful highlights and detail that’s brought out, through the step by step process, of gradient shading. So, when we stack the two of these side by side, you can see they’re much, more, similar.

3D Enhanced vs. 2D

frosted glass sea turtle 3D Enhanced by sans soucie art glass
frosted glass sea turtle frosted privacy glass sans soucie
frosted glass egret with wings spread by sans soucie art glass 3D enhanced
frosted glass egret with wings spread by sans soucie art glass 2D sandblast effect
frosted glass banana leaves 3D enhanced glass insert for door by sans soucie art glass
frosted glass banana leaves 2D door glass insert by sans soucie art glass


The same is true with 3D Solid Effect. It has a closer relative as well, that being our 1D Effect. Much more of an apples-to-apples comparison, they look more alike. They’re both solid white shapes and they both require a lower amount of skill and time to create. One is etched on the surface. The other is carved deep into the glass. Both are beautiful, because our designs are beautiful. Both can provide the degree of privacy you need, because of the backgrounds we can use and incorporate with our sandblast etching and carving. But neither one features the gradient shading of our higher-end, 2D and 3D Enhanced Effects.

3D Solid vs. 1D

Pricing Differences Between Each Effect

Now let’s take a look at how each one of these stacks up against the other, on a price scale. After all, that’s where it really counts.

frosted glass price scale comparison sans soucie art glass

3D Solid vs. 2D

3D Enhanced vs. 1D

There’s a significant difference between 3D Enhanced versus 1D, and rightfully so considering the differences in what it takes to create them, and how they look.

head of bighorn sheep frosted glass by sans soucie

3D Enhanced On our Different Glass Backgrounds

Now, let’s take a look at our 3D Enhanced Effect on each of our 3 Glass Backgrounds (or Glass Finishes), that we offer. Each Glass Background creates different Levels of Privacy.

Clear Glass Background

Here’s 3D Enhanced on a Clear Glass Background. This effect is considered semi-private, as the clear glass background areas of the glass will vary by design.

frosted glass mermaid sandblast carved glass sans soucie
frosted glass mermaid upper body drinking from a shell sandblast carved glass sans soucie
colorful painted glass hibiscus sans soucie
giraffe frosted glass door panel sans soucie

Gluechip Background

Next in line for our Semi-Private Effects, is a Gluechip Glass Background. The 3D Enhanced Effect, sandblasted design, is surrounded by a Gluechip Finish as the background. The Gluechip Finish is a beautiful, sparkling, fern-like texture. As a natural occurring process, Gluechip not only creates obscurity, but adds another element of beauty and lustre to the glass. Objects behind become blurred when 10-12” away from the glass. Design elements and the Gluechip Background, are separated by an 1/8” clear pinstripe. Objects can be seen when held right up against the glass, and if you approach the glass and peer thru, you can see thru the 1/8” clear pinstripes. For this reason, this glass is considered semi-private.

frosted glass hibiscus hummingbirds with butterfly gluechipped background sans soucie
frosted glass reeds with a gluechip background sans soucie
glass doors frosted glass carved bevels sans soucie
glass doors with painted glass tree design sans soucie

Frosted Glass Background

Finally, we have our 3D Enhanced Effect on a Frosted Glass Background, also known as a “Private Effect”. The Frosted Glass Finish creates 100% obscurity in the glass. Objects are only visible when pressed right up against the glass. Once a few inches away, objects can’t be seen at all. This makes it the perfect solution where you need privacy, without blocking light. So whether you need a little privacy or a lot, you can get just the right amount you need, through beautiful carved, and Frosted Glass art, by Sans Soucie. Rest assured no matter which effect you choose, your Sans Soucie Art Glass will bring a timeless, eye-catching, custom element to any area of your home.

frosted glass painted glass cherry blossom bamboo sans soucie
frosted glass panel hibiscus hummingbird glass insert for door
frosted glass ocean waves on interior glass doors by sans soucie
tropical fish frosted glass doors sans soucie