Expert Design Tips Featuring Summer Thornton

Interior design is more than just putting couches and lamps into a house to take up space. It’s even more than carefully selecting different pieces to create a certain look. Rather, interior design is about art. It’s about creating a feeling and making something beautiful from various, well-chosen elements.

To better understand interior design and the process that is creating art in a home, we’ve reached out to several successful interior designers who are passionate about and well-versed in their craft. Expert designer Summer Thornton was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to help us get to know her a little better. With topics ranging from her love of interior design to incorporating glass pantry doors in her projects, Summer Thornton shared her insight as one of the top designers in her field. It is our pleasure to feature Summer Thornton as the first designer in this segment we would like to call Expert Design Tips.

Without further adieu, Summer Thornton of Summer Thornton Design.