Etched Glass Window Panels: Spotlight 29 by Sans Soucie
Sans Soucie Art Glass created and installed these beautiful etched glass interior window panels at the Spotlight 29 Casino in Indio, California. The panels create an interior partition for a restaurant and bar area inside the casino. They are installed, angled .. creating a circular perimeter, and feature a desert mountain scene that continues and flows from one panel to the next. The mountains are the perfect choice to create a nice obscure glass through dimensional sandblasted art glass, leaving the upper portions of the glass clear, maintaining a nice “open” feel in the area.
See more panels like these inside our online Gallery of Partitions and Dividers!
Sans Soucie Art Glass Studios is well known nationwide for setting the industry standard for high quality, custom designed Sandblast Etched, 3D Carved & Stained Art Glass. Exquisite “Works of Art Captured in Glass” in unlimited design styles.